Phone | +421 911 544 601 | |
Where you can find us | Svätoplukovo námestie 126/1 949 01 Nitra Slovensko |
GPS coordinates | 48.313857, 18.087416 |
Reception | +421 (0)37 655 4397 |
Cellphone | +421 911 544 601 | |
All accommodated guests always have free access during their stay at Hotel Centrum ***:
Breakfast starts at 07:00 each morning. In case your duties force you to leave the hotel earlier, we will prepare a breakfast package so that you do not miss anything.
Powerful routers guarantee you a stable, high-quality and fast connection during your entire stay. Coverage is 100% throughout the building.
You don't have to worry about your car. The car park is secured by an electronic ramp and a grid.
Within the office room, guests have at their disposal a computer with a printer and a scanner, a shredder, a laminator and all other common office supplies.
Prihláste sa na odber najnovších informácií z Hotela Centrum***